Friday, March 14, 2008

Glitzy Lady

I saw a license plate today that said "Glitzy Lady". Well, I am not a "Glitzy Lady", I know suprise suprise huh?? I find it fascinating and a little frustrating at times how we are all made different and how we have our own little quirks.

I have been told that God made us all different and unique for a purpose and to fulfill our place in the body of Christ. What the frustrating part to me is that often times, AND I MEAN OFTEN, my mouth overloads my brain and I say things then think oh my did I say that??? Most people always say well we always know where you stand. That is not always a good thing. While I do not tend to hold back, it can sometimes be hurtful when I don't mean it to be.

I have tried to work on that, but at times it is hard. I guess in that way I am like my Dad. Sometimes people just look at us like we have 3 heads or somethings, which can be funny at times!

I am getting ready to go to Tecumseh High School for a Band Competition. While I enjoy watching my kids in their performances, I hate to say this but well, it is a long way.... lol However, the good thing is that I will have good company, since Ed somehow has gotten out of going. Andrea and I are going, and I told her if she was real good I would get her a McDonald's Coke (her favorite).

I am starting to get worried about her brother Kent, he hasn't posted since March 3 about smiling. I guess he is out there just smiling at the world!! (Hint Hint Kent)!!

Anyway, Have a great weekend!!

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