Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am a faithful Survivor and Supernatural watcher. My family knows when these 2 shows are on it is not time to talk to me.

Here is my dilemma, I am not a huge television watcher but this is the night I like to watch, and of course this is when I have school board meetings the 2nd Thursday of the month and now praise team practice EVERY Thursday at 7.

I know, how selfish and childish of me right?!?!?! Well, darn it I like my Thursday night t.v. time!! I even debated skipping out on praise team practice.... how wrong is that?? I know but I am just being honest here! I won't skip out on it but I am just praying it gets over before 8 or a little after. I can always go back and watch it online the next day or so but it just doesn't seem the same.

Does anyone else have this problem or something similar? I know that the t.v. isn't important in the grand scheme of things but.........


Andrea said...

Ok... so what good is a Thursday night without Sam and Dean?! You HAVE to be home or who will I text...

Christy said...

I will be home for that one for sure!! =)

Leslie said...

I can totally relate. During the Colts 2nd regular season game, we had no power. During their 3rd regular season game, I was singing with the MarCo's at the church at Hindostan. I missed them TWO weeks in a row! Much like you, I never REALLY considered not singing with the MarCo's. But still...

Lauren said...

Buy TiVo. Seth has it and I'm pretty sure it is the best invention since the Kitchenaid Mixer!

Love you!

Unknown said...

Now wait a minute...who am I going to text during Survivor. You just have to tell your church that your sister said you have to quit the praise team or practice needs to be on another night!