Monday, May 12, 2008

Yes, I have a ....

Security Blanket!

I call it my "Happy Blanket". My Aunt Carol made it for me as a Christmas present many years ago. I keep it neatly folded under my bed, and get it out when I need some comfort. I know it seems strange that a 32 year old woman has a security blanket, but it really does make me feel better. All I have to say is I need my happy blanket and my family knows what I am talking about.

As a child, I used to carry around a small pillow that I nestled with daily. It had to be re-covered many times. I also have a doll that I slept with and chewed on it's arms, it is quite raggedy now but it is still held together... barely! I think I just have to have something tangible to snuggle with.

Isn't it strange how we want to see and touch things to make us believe or make us feel better?? I think that is why so many people struggle with their Faith. They can't see God or grasp Him, but those of us who have tapped into the Holy Spirit within us know that there is a God and that he is ALWAYS with us. We all have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, it is up to us whether we allow him to envelope us and guide our paths. The Holy Spirit is the security we need to carry on day to day!

Find your security today and snuggle up with it!!

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