Monday, May 19, 2008


Have you ever thought you had it bad?? Well, of course you have. We all have at one time or another. But, consider Job, he is portrayed as a wealthy man of upright character who loves God. Yet God allowed Satan to destroy his flocks, his possessions, his children, and his health. His friends even tried to convince him it was something he had done for all of this to happen. Did Job give up on God? No! Did he feel sorry for himself, yes somewhat.

However, Job asked one important question in Job 21:22. It says "Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since he judges even the highest?" Have you ever thought of asking that when going through the storms of life? Sounds easy, but not so when you are in the eye of the storm.

Job's friends continued to get Job to admit his sin and ask forgiveness, and eventually he did repent. Strangely though it was not the kind of repentance called for by his friends. He didn't ask forgiveness for committing secret sins, but for questioning God's sovereignty and justice. He repented of his attitude..... his attitude!! He also acknowledged God's great power and perfect justice. We can learn a lot from Job.

Will you trust God with your unanswered questions??

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