Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spiritual Gifts

Whoa!! I know what you are thinking, Spiritual Gifts!!!

Why is it that we get so scared when someone mentions them?? I think I know why for me anyway. I have struggled for many, many years to figure out what my spiritual gifts were. I mean I know that God blesses everyone with them, it's just at times they are hard to see for ourselves. Until they smack you right in the forehead and you just say "Well, Duh!!"

A couple of years ago some of us took the "Purpose Driven Life" Class. Well needless to say this was supposed to be a great class. However, I found myself really stressed with it. I could not for the life of me figure out what my purpose was. Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? Those questions haunted me for a really long time.

And guess what I found out over the next couple of years??? God was leading me to a place where I would find my purpose, my spiritual gifts. You see it wasn't that I didn't have any or couldn't find them. I wasn't opening myself up to see what they were. I wasn't listening to that still small voice inside me telling me my worth! I recently did a "Spiritual Gifts Assessment" it is a really amazing tool and it really shows you things about yourself that you would have never guessed. If you haven't done this you need to. I can get you a copy if you want one, just let me know!

I am hearing and listening to that still small voice inside me and leaning on God's truth and understanding. Do I have all the answers...No. But I know the one who does, and that, my friends, is an amazing feeling!

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