Monday, April 14, 2008


Have you ever thought how sad it is that we have become a desensitized society of tolerance and indifference???

Think about it, we tolerate racism, homosexuality, abortion, and many many other sins. Now, I'm not saying that we like it necessarily but for the most part society as a whole would rather turn their heads then face the issues at hand. Why? Why? (Sorry to get on my soapbox today) :-)

I think it happens for a number of reasons. We see it all the time in the news, in the papers, on the internet. It gets shoved down our throats as being their "rights" to choose. What right does ANYONE have to take a child's life?? What right does ANYONE have to make racist jokes, or slander people of a different color, sex, age, religion, or background? What right does ANYONE have to be homosexual??

Are these not all sins??? And are not all sins the same?? From the worst sin you can think of to the most minor...Isn't a sin a sin?? God HATES all sins, not the sinners mind you. THE SIN! Our God is a God of Mercy, Love and Grace.

As Christians, we cannot let this attitude of tolerance invade our thoughts toward sin. When we encounter sin, we should not tolerate it; it ought to provoke our spirit and call us to action in an effort to destroy it. Let us never become so desensitized to "everyday sins" that we allow them to slowly creep back into our lives without our even realizing it.

1 Peter 5:8 (New International Version)

8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

The devil's snare does not catch you, unless you are first caught by the devil's bait. St. Ambrose

So give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh God let this be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob


beckiwoodsmall said...

I love that song, we sing it at church!!
Prayer request: After Jordan got everything stolen, he went to file a report with campus police and guess what, he had been drinking, so he was thrown in the drunk tank for the night. I want him to have a personal relationship with Jesus nad have Him revealed in his life sooooo bad!!
Jordan just laughed about it and said that I needed a good dose of reality.

Christy said...

WOW! I didn't even know about any of that. Well, he needs a good dose of the Holy Spirit!! :-)

beckiwoodsmall said...

i pray fervently every night for him, he knows it all but knows nothing, not without Jesus!! Oh, he does believe and does pray but he needs an up close and personal relationship with Him. Please pray that Jesus will place godly people in his life.
I am so thankful that you and your sis have a wonderful relationship with our Lord!! ( I pray for you everyday, as well.)

Lauren said...

I'm believing God for Jordan's salvation.

love you guys.