Monday, April 28, 2008

Tolerance and Courage

These are 2 words I want to touch on today.

There seems to be tolerance for everything in today's' world EXCEPT Christianity. William Penn once said “Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it”.

Joshua and Caleb were 2 of the spies sent into Canaan. Do you remember the song "10 were bad and 2 were good"?? Anyway, they were the 2 who came back with a good report, Caleb and Joshua. Imagine the courage it took for them to do this?? I mean they wandered around in the desert for 40 years...40 YEARS!! Even though God kept showing them miracle after miracle. Moses was sent to save them from slavery in Egypt and what do they do when they were freed??? They complained and moaned!!

How often after God provides for us do we start to complain and moan? Pretty soon most of the time it is sad to say!

The point: It takes courage to step out in faith. Someone will always tell you that you cannot do what you feel God is calling you to do. Sometimes that means you have to distance yourself from friends or a lifestyle. Is it easy?.....NO! However, it is necessary to be obedient to what God calls us to do. You know how we can go forward?? Because Jesus is with us constantly... I love that word constant. Never changing, or varying; uniform; regular; invariable. The Holy Spirit prompts us to go, gives us courage to do what we must, no matter what those around you tell you what to do or what they will think of it.

Ask God what he wants you to do for him this week but be prepared to have the faith and courage to go forward with it!!

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