Friday, April 18, 2008

You are what you think...

I am sure you all either felt the earth move this morning or heard about it. I was driving to work and Ed called and said I think we just had a earthquake, I told him he was crazy and to go back to bed... Well, was I ever wrong. Soon after that I got bombarded with text messages (Have I mentioned I LOVE to text???) It really was an earthquake! ! It woke Ed and Aimee up but little Cole was just a snoozing away...he could literally sleep through an earthquake!!

Anyway~ To the "You are what you think" statement. If you really think about it, this statement is so true. Positive self talk is such a good way to keep yourself in check and well...Positive! I know you are mean talk to myself...well..yea in a sense. What you think will directly affect what you are saying to people. With moods, body language, and talk. If you are consistently looking at the "bad" things in life or thinking negatively, not only will it affect your health, it will affect how people look at you. However, on the other hand if you are thinking positively or looking at things the way God would look at them it drastically changes what people see in you.

Try it and just might like the results!!!

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