Thursday, April 17, 2008


I am very blessed to have many friends in my life. All of which who bring something special to our relationship no matter how close we are or how often we talk.

Have you ever thought about your friends and characterized them into one word?? Here are some words for some of my friends. The JOYful one, the encourager, the downer (but I love them), the quiet, strong one, the unsure one, the warrior.

Now that is just a few but the few that I wanted to touch on.

1. The JOYful one - this gal is such a WONDERFUL sista who is the bright spot in my life. She is my soul sista as we call each other. She also helps keep me in check!!

2. The Encourager - she is the one who I can talk to and always feel better by doing so, she always has positive things to say and helps me be strong.

3. The Downer - I bet you looked at that and went... what??? But let's be honest we all have them and I can say I have even been "that friend" at times. This is the one who needs encouragement and seems to always look at the down side of things. Although he is a great great person who makes my life interesting!

4. The Quiet Strong one - This gal is amazing, although we have just gotten to really know each other well, I know she will be a blessing to me for many years to come. She has such a quiet spirit and she is SO much stronger than she gives herself credit for. She has been a blessing to me.

5. The Unsure one - this gal has it going on but cannot seem to get the confidence to go along with it. But when she does Look Out World!! She could change the world.

6. The Warrior - This gal is just that a Warrior. She has such a great enthusiasm for life and boy she stands up for what she believes in and if you tell her it is not right you better be ready to back up what you say!!
I Love ALL my friends and am very thankful to have them in my life. But I'll tell you what is great too, my best friend is my lil' Ed. We are more than just spouses, we are friends. We like to hang out together, now that is not to say that we don;t have our differences but like most friends we work through them. Take a moment and reflect on your friends and see if you can give them one word adjectives, it can be fun!!

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