Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Armor of God

I got this today from Inge and it was too good not to share. Enjoy!

Lord I thank You that I am putting on the Sandals of Peace. I want to be a peacemaker. Wherever I go, wherever You send me, I want to be able to share the Gospel of Christ in such a way that I will be able to be used as a tool of God to bring peace to people in their relationship to God. I want to be able to bring peace among brothers and sisters together, but God I want to be a vessel of peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers" Your word says.

Lord I want to thank You for the Shield of Faith. I want to thank You that no matter how may fiery missiles Satan throws at me, how many temptations Satan puts in my way, no matter how bad, how intense, I want to thank you for the Shield of Faith. I thank You that I can hide behind the Shield of Faith standing upon the Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Faith. Faith is a gift from Him and He says, "Above all take up the shield of faith." I stand on the basis of who I am in You.

I thank You for the Sword of the Spirit. I thank You for the Word of God. The sword cuts deep, penetrates to the very quick, down to the Spirit. Lord I want to thank You that if I am attacked today, I will use the Sword of the Spirit. I'll go on the promises of the Word of God. I'll just be reminded of what You have said

Lord I want to thank You that I am dressed for battle today. I thank You and I am ready for whatever You send my way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an appropriate prayer today as we pray Eph 6:10-19 over Lauren :)