Friday, July 31, 2009
Combat Mindset
• White - Unaware and unprepared. If attacked in Condition White, the only thing that may save you is the inadequacy or ineptitude of your attacker. When confronted by something nasty, your reaction will probably be "Oh my God! This can't be happening to me."
• Yellow - Relaxed alert. No specific threat situation. Your mindset is that "today could be the day I may have to defend myself." You are simply aware that the world is a potentially unfriendly place and that you are prepared to defend yourself, if necessary. You use your eyes and ears, and realize that "I may have to SHOOT today." You don't have to be armed in this state, but if you are armed you should be in Condition Yellow. You should always be in Yellow whenever you are in unfamiliar surroundings or among people you don't know. You can remain in Yellow for long periods, as long as you are able to "Watch your six." (In aviation 12 o'clock refers to the direction in front of the aircraft's nose. Six o'clock is the blind spot behind the pilot.) In Yellow, you are "taking in" surrounding information in a relaxed but alert manner, like a continuous 360 degree radar sweep. As Cooper put it, "I might have to shoot."
• Orange - Specific alert. Something is not quite right and has gotten your attention. Your radar has picked up a specific alert. You shift your primary focus to determine if there is a threat (but you do not drop your six). Your mindset shifts to "I may have to shoot HIM today." In Condition Orange, you set a mental trigger: "If that goblin does 'x', I will need to stop him." Your pistol usually remains holstered in this state. Staying in Orange can be a bit of a mental strain, but you can stay in it for as long as you need to. If the threat proves to be nothing, you shift back to Condition Yellow. Cooper described this as "I might have to shoot HIM," referring to the specific target which has caused the escalation in alert status.
• Red - Condition Red is fight. Your mental trigger (established back in Condition Orange) has been tripped. If "X" happens I will shoot that person. The USMC also uses "Condition Black" as actively engaged in combat, as do some of Cooper's successors, but Cooper always felt this was an unnecessary step and not in keeping with the mindset definition of the color code since it is a state of action. In short, the Color Code helps you "think" in a fight. As the level of danger increases, your willingness to take certain actions increases. If you ever do go to Condition Red, the decision to use lethal force has already been made (your "mental trigger" has been tripped).
Ok you are probably wondering why in the world we just had the mini lesson. Well as I was driving around on patrol at work today, God took my mind to combat mindset. This is something they pound into us during our quarterly training but today I thought of it in a different light.
What is your combat mindset in your spiritual walk? What color are you? As I began to think about this I thought wow this really is a reality lesson. Are we prepared for what may come our way in our spiritual walk?
If we are not prepared, when things hit the fan, it can get real hairy real quick. Being in God's word is the key to being prepared. When situations come up, the word can be the only source of comfort we can find. It also equips us for the battles of life.
Also, staying in God's prescence is another key to being prepared. When stress hits what do you do first? Cry? Scream? Shut down? What should we do FIRST?
Pray! God grants peace that ONLY he can give through prayer.
What color are you at in your walk today friends???
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
God is good!
God is good!
I don't know why I am always amazed when God shows up. I love it though when he gives us those little confirmations or the great big billboards!
I keep hearing the same thing over & over every where I go. "You have not cause you ask not". Every where I go I keep hearing that. I think that too many times I get caught up in praying for so many things that I forget to ask God to bless me.
My sister told a story a while back about how she prayed for her asthma & would you know she is now off ALL her asthma meds. Which is amazing!
Faith as a mustard seed. Do you have it??
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday Tunes
LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!!!
Give Us Clean Hands
We bow our hearts
We bend our knees
Oh Spirit come make us humble
We turn our eyes
From evil things
Oh Lord we cast down our idols
So give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh God let this be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
We bow our hearts
We bend our knees
Oh Spirit come make us humble
We turn our eyes
From evil things
Oh Lord we cast down our idols
So give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands--Oh God
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God of Jacob
(Give us clean hands)
So give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands--Oh God
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God of Jacob
Oh God of Jacob
Give us clean hands
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands--Oh God
and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God let us be
a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob
Oh God of Jacob
Monday, July 27, 2009
The "ugly" word
Richard and Martha had just moved to Oklahoma when shortly after they found out she had cancer. This devastated Richard, he didn't not handle it at all. We were taking trips to Oklahoma about every other month to help out as best we could. I can remember how fast this disease crippled Martha's body, and to be quite honest with you I don' think about it much because it took me to a place I don't ever want to go back to. You see, we handled it well throughout the 18 months but after she passed it hit me in a way I do not want to remember. I went into a deep depression and honestly I don' know how Ed ever lived with me. I'm sure it was a combination of exhaustion and worry. I can remember going to the hospital and sitting and reading the Bible to Martha while all she could do was lay there. She was a very spiritual person and this was the first time I was introduced to the Rosary. She would recite it with me laying next to her.
So, you can imagine what I felt when her daughter, Lana called yesterday to tell us she has colon cancer. You see Lana is a nurse, she probably studied Cancer more than any of us did. She is very optimistic and the diagnosis so far seems pretty good. Today and tomorrow will be crucial days in figuring out her treatment plan. I know she would appreciate any prayers that you would offer up for her, her husband and her 2 grown boys.
But I also know how HUGE my God is. No matter the outcome with what Cancer does to a person God's grace is the same. It is a hard thing to get through but I cannot imagine anyone going through it without relying on God.
Matthew 11:28-30 (New International Version)
28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
We are LOVING the beach. Who would have thought it?!?! I love the ocean & the beach. We have just been taking full advantage of it during the day when we can. At night we try to catch the sunset & then Ed & Cole crab hunt. They really get into it. It's a little over rated for me but a bunch of us go so it's a good time. The parents on this team are just great. We all get along & that has made the trip that much better.
It amazes me when I stand at the edge of the ocean at night the awesomness of God's wonders. He made all this & still he thinks of me?!?! Wow!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
(New American Standard Bible)
17 The righteous cry, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
18The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
20 He keeps all his bones,not one of them is broken.
Have you noticed that when the struggles of this world get you down if you dwell on it the worse the fears get?
So why is it that we don't stop right then & pray for deliverance of the fears, thoughts, & worries??
We need to learn to recognize when we are starting to feel "lost" & call out for God's help. It's amazing when we do the peace that only God can offer overtakes us.
I'm thankful I have a God that's knows me & still loves me & wants that relationship with me!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Was I a mean kid??
We were on the way home and Cole said "Mom were you a mean kid?" I said well no! I mean what was I supposed to say. I said text mamaw and ask her. He said well I should ask Stephen. Ok, here is where we go back a ways. Stephen was like another brother to me. We were raised together from the time we were 1. We are 9 days apart. We were always together having a ball. That took me back.... When we were little our mom's often went out together and in the back floorboard of the "brown bomb" (as we affectionately names the station wagon) there were always pop bottles laying there. I was known on occasion to... well... kinda.... hit Stephen over the head with them. Then Cole said what about the stairs. I said that was ME that HE pushed down 2 flights of stairs. Cole said yea after you tried to drown him. Picture it, 198something, we were at a church picnic at Starve Hollow Lake. I may have sit on him in the lake and my mom may have had to come pull me off of him. The next day at church I took a tumble down the stairs. Then Cole said well didn't you push him into a church pew. I said no, no that was Andi I pushed.
Are you seeing a pattern here?!?!
So, then my mom answered Cole's text and said "She never let anyone push her around". I said ask her if that was a way to say I was a bully. She said I was always good at home except the time I called 911.
Oh geez......
Ok so I was little and I may have thought it cool to call 911 and whisper "Help Me" only to have the operator call back and tell my dad that someone had just called 911. To which my dad replied "My girls wouldn't do that". I guess that was my breaking point. I then slid down the wall saying "The devil made me do it".
I'm thinking I may have been a bit mischievous?!?!?!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My Girls
We are the Yahwea Sisters, a reunion group of us that have been on the Walk to Emmaus BUT we don't limit it to that. We are open to anyone who wants to come fellowship, study God's word, hold each other accountable, & just be there for each other.
3 of us were in a reunion group together befoe this one but we felt like we needed to start our own. So with God's nudging we did & became the Ya Ya's. Not only do these women mean a great deal to me, they help me in my walk with the Lord. I want to take a minute to talk about each one.
Andi - this is my big sister. While we haven't always seen eye to eye (siblings you know) we have this special time to be together in this group. She is a spiritual woman. God directs her steps every day. She is in the word daily & has insight to it's teachings.
Andrea - while most find her quiet I do not. She is my texting bestie. We have some pretty in depth convo's through our texting. She is a very faithful person & doesn't let much worry her cause she knows she's in God's hands. Her family has become very special to my family. I'm thankful God brought us together & I seemed less "scary" to her =)
Annette - she has been my bestest for several years now & I can honestly say we have never had a fight. She is the person I can gripe to & be me... The real me & she still loves me, flaws & all. She is reserved but her faith is BIG. She has knowledge & is deep with her words. I can't imagine my life without her.
Cristy - we have known each other a long time but never really knew each other. She uses her life experiences to guide her daily walk. She is always thinking about what God has brought her through & uses that to help her walk by remembering God's faithfulness to her life.
Shirley - I LOVE this woman. They began going to our church a month before we started but the moment we walked in there was a bond between them & us. Shirley is a PRAYER WARRIOR! I often call her if I need prayer or know someone who does cause I know this gal will get right to it. She has a boldness in her faith that amazes me! She is an inspiration.
Susan - our quietest of the bunch BUT also the biggest thinker of the group. She has deep thoughts & brings so much to us through her reserved nature. She isn't afraid to ask for insight or prayer which I find big! It amazes me how much we are alike except that one area! Ha Ha! I am out going, she is reserved BUT when you take away the layers we are very much alike. I appreciate her study life in His word!
Tami - she has been a mentor of sorts to me. She has brought me to more in my faith. I know God placed her in my life at just the right time. She is an encourager to the max! She is always JOYful & bright. This woman loves God with her whole being in a way that makes you better by being around her. She has that child like faith that we all need. I know my life is blessed because of her friendship.
There you have it... The Ya Ya's. Do you see why I love them so much?!?! While we are all different we compliment each other well. It is a place I can go & let go all the worries of this world knowing that these gals love me & will no matter what I say or hiw many times I continue to screw up. You see they are the hands & feet of God. They imitate the unconditional love that God has for us all. Everyone should have this kind of friendship, it encourages me to keep on keeping on.
We don't just meet once a week we are in contact daily through texts or emails or calls. It is the strength that helps us carry on.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday Tunes
Lead me to the Cross - Hillsongs
Savior I come
Quiet my soul remember
Redemptions hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost
Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross
You were as I
Tempted and trialed
You are
Te word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen
To your heart
To your heart
Lead me to your heart
Lead me to your heart
Monday, July 13, 2009
What are your answers???
She gave us 5 questions to ponder. This is the assignment for the week for my kids & we will discuss it later on in the week. I try to give them little things to do in scripture each week. I urge you to take each question yourself & think about them.
1. What has God given you?
2. What did Christ give up for my sake?
3. What have I given up for Christ's sake?
4. What did Christ's sacrifice?
5. What does Christ call you to sacrifice?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Let's get honest shall we?
I have a problem....
Tonight is my monthly school board meeting & I am out of Pizza Rolls!!! But more than that I need prayers for the meeting tonight. I ask that you specifically pray for the right words from my mouth (without getting angry), I ask you to pray that the other members are open to 2 specific things being presented that I feel strongly about. One of them has been put off too long. I would appreciate the prayers!
Ok here is where we get honest. This whole week I have been struggling with putting God before my kids. I know that God is to be numero uno... But I struggle with putting ANYTHING in front of my kids. Not only that, our spouse is to come before our kids. As if I wasn't having a hard enough time!
Don't get me wrong here I love God but do I love him MORE than my kids. I would like to be able to say yes without reservation but I'm afraid I have been questioning that as of late. For too long I lived for me, me, me. What I deserved, what I needed. Blah blah blah!
My relationship with Jesus Christ is stronger now then ever which is why I probably question it. I want nothing more but to please Him. I don't want to stand one day at the judgement throne & look back on my life & be ashamed of how I lived.
What do YOU put in front of God?!?!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I never thought I would lack for something to blog about but alas.... here it is.
I do have a couple of funnies to pass on... true stories about text messaging follies!
A certain always smiling person I know sends a text to a gal to double check the spelling of her daughter's name for her sash and he sends "I need to double check your daughter's rash"!!!
Another fellow sent a text that said "who's the chick" to a friend of his only to discover as he sent the text he realized it was his friends sister with him!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday Tunes
What If - Jadon Lavik
What if I climbed that mountain, what if I swam to that shore
What if every battle was victorious then would you love me more
Would you love me more
What if I were everyone's first choice, what if I went farther than before
What if I stood high above the rest than would you love me more
Would you love me more
You say I belong to you apart from the things I do
You say I belong to you I'm in awe of why you do
Why you do, why you do, I'm in awe of you, ooh
What if I ignored the hand that fed me, what if I forgot to confess
What if I stumbled down that mountain then would you love me less
Lord would you love me less
What if I were everyones last choice what if I mixed in with the rest
What if I failed what I passed before then would you love me less
lord would you would you love me less, oh no oh no oh no
You say I belong to you apart from the things I do
You say I belong to you I'm in awe of why you do
You do you do you do
What have I done to deserve your son sent to die for me
What can I give I want to live give me eyes to see
In a world that keeps changin' there's one thing that I know is true
Your love is stayin' there's nothing else I'll hold onto
You say I belong to you apart from the things I do
You say I belong to you I'm in awe of why you do
Why you do
You say I belong to you apart from the things I do
You say I belong to you I'm in awe of why you do
I'm in awe of you I'm in awe of you
The way you love me, the way you do
The way you do , the way you love me, you love me , you love me
The way you do the way you do the way you love me,
the way you love you love you love
Monday, July 6, 2009
How often do you violate your soul???
So, what better to do with it but plop a bunch onto you.....
How often do you violate your soul???
-by watching that show you probably shouldn't.
-by reading those novels instead of the Bible. (OUCH)
-by participating in gossip.
-by remaining in the depths of sin.
-by not being the witness you could be at work.
Ok ok, that's enough huh?!?!
I have been guilty of all of these things at one time or another. Often times we get so caught up in these that we can't seem to get out of it.
Sin takes you further than you intend to go, and keeps you longer than you intend to stay.
My biggest is picking up that novel when I could be in The Word. It's SO vital to stay within the realm of God that all too often once we slip even the slightest bit away it can drag us so far away.
Look at Lot. Even though he got out of Sodom, he took his sin with him. Now mind you it is believed he made it to Heaven as the Bible says "through the fire" with nothing to show for his life. Is that how you want to approach the judgement day???
I for one DO NOT want to be ashamed on that day.
So, you ask how do we get away from violating our souls?!?! Well, for a one time fee of 19.95 I will tell you. No just kidding! Have I mentioned I love informercials???
I digress.....
It takes DAILY discipline. It's a matter of making a conscience effort to walk the path of righteousness. Is it easy? No, but no matter how far in sin you are God still loves you right where you are. How amazing is that?!?!
Is there something or someone you need to break free of? One that brings you down into that path of sin??? Make an effort to get away from the situation.
Is there someone you know who has something in their way of total surrender? This is the tough one. How do you approach that?? You must do it with love. It's hard to take "discipline" but if you are a true friend you will approach the topic. I hope that my friends would do this for me AND that I would take it with grace.
Have a great week!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sunday Cole comes home! He has been gone SO much this month. He has been at his Dad's 3 weeks in June and 1 week at Mission Camp. Needless to say I am having Cole withdraw! Aimee said the other day "I miss my bubby". You know it's bad when that happens!!
Summer is always hard for that reason BUT he will be home the whole month of July and only has one more week to go the first of August.
We leave in 2 weeks from today for Panama City for Aim's softball nationals. I would have more softball pictures but it seems they play better when my camera is put up! I am a tad bit superstitious!! For those that know me well know that I AM NOT a beach person. Sand on my feet grosses me out!! I know I am weird but give me the mountains anyday! However, I am going to try my best to make the most of it!
Catfish Festival is going strong now and I am going to make Ed get me an elephant ear sometime today! We don't hang out there much at all. Usually do the queen contest and Martin Co. Idol, maybe watch a few softball games but that's it.
Have a great 4th of July!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |