Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Toe Stepping

Tuesday Tunes will have to wait to be Wednesday's Words because I have a confession to make! I was having a really crappy day at work this morning and was quite angry. I was listening to 88.7 when Focus on the Family came on. I generally listen to it daily. The last 2 days has been about Protecting Teen Girls From Lies. It has featured Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh.


We were cruising right through the broadcast when low and behold... Ouch!! I got my toes smashed! One of the presenters was talking about how in their home they do not tolerate disrespect. I nodded and thought check. She went on to say however when you have teenagers you WILL have disrespect. Yep... check.

Then out of no where she said for 7 years I was to blame for the way my kids treated my husband. Uh.... She went on to say that the respect or disrespect we show out husbands will be mirrored by our children. Whoa! Talk about a punch in the gut.

The kids are usually pretty good BUT they sometimes do and say things to Ed that they wouldn't dare do or say to me. We have noticed it but I just thought they were just more scared of me than him. Not until I heard this did it ever occur to me that I could be the blame for this. There are times when I am not submissive to Ed and can be disrespectful.

I owe Ed an apology for the way I have treated him for the last 10 years. I sent him a quick text message and will talk to him more when he gets a break. Apologizing for a long time of behavior can be hard but I know my lil Ed still loves me. It will be hard to change but I will make an effort to do so.

If you get a chance go to Focus on the Family website and listen to the broadcast!


Leslie said...

You're a good woman, Christy.

Christy said...

aww shucks thanks!!

Lauren said...

Good post, C. Thanks for your transparency on this--it will make many readers think.

I love you!