Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well it's 5:24 a.m. Shoals time & we have been on the road about an hour for the trip home.

We had a great visit! We soon learned that we aren't as young as we once were & the 12 hour overnight trip isn't as easy as it used to be. Grandad was very happy to see us. The neat thing is everytime we have been there it's like a big Italian family. Always visitors in to see us. There is this one couple, Sanie & Edna Day. They take good care of Richard! They started this "tradition" with Ed's pappy Joe & gma Irene. They go over every night around 6 or 7 & visit for an hour or two. When Pappy & Irene passed they moved the tradition to Richard & Martha's. They are great folks! When Richard's eyesight got so bad that it limited daily necessity things for him they didn't hesitate to do what they could for him. He did get good news from the doctor Friday. They think the vision loss is fixable with a surgery that 2 doctors will preform, which is great news as they had first said it was not. The date has yet to be set. He still has some vision left it's just very limited.

He has always been a good entertainer for the kids. He has this "homemade" board game that they got addicted to. We also got him out of the house on Saturday to take Chang around to show him some of the Indian stuff around Okenne. I took pictures & will post them tomorrow hopefully. I even got to take a "reinactment" photo in the same spot taken many years back. I will post both of them. The only difference is Chang is standing where Chad did.

Now we are on the road back home. It was a good visit but we are on the journey back home. With the only stop beong at the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, Missouri for Cole!

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