Thursday, February 19, 2009

How do you view your Giants??

Have you ever wondered how little ole David was able to slay Goliath?

Now we all know it was with God's help but have you ever really thought about it??

How do you view your "Giants"? Do you stress & fret about them? Do you hide away, trying to run from them? Or do you face them head on & deal with them?

I'd dare say we have handled different situations differently, but have you noticed when we take our eyes off the "giant" & put them on the Lord how much easier they are to deal with?

Why is it then do we have to keep re-learning this. I mean it's not rocket science?!?!

When we put our trust in the Lord & keep striving to do "good" He will make our ways easier & more peaceful.

As my friend Lauren said to me the other day "when we screw up God says, I know she will do better next time".

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