Monday, December 8, 2008

Busy Busy

Ok, I have to admit I am a little behind. We have been SO busy with basketball etc.. that it has been too easy to get behind. We don't have games until Saturday this week so I hope to catch up.

A pet peeve of mine it Christmas music. I know you are thinking I am a scrooge but let me say this. I do not mind it a week or so before Christmas but starting right after Thanksgiving it drives me crazy. I am not ready for Christmas yet but I will get there. I do have a few presents bought and wrapped.

Aimee is all released and back to playing. She still has a little soreness and we did find out that her rotator cuff is a little messed up but nothing too serious as of yet. She is already complaining about the Sully Brace so it will be a long year for that! Cole is busy with basketball, band, and being anal about his grades. Chang is just enjoying the USA, he really has a great personality and fits in very well.

I do have to admit I have been lacking in my bible reading. I have done my usual 3 daily devotionals that has scripture readings with them but as far as getting in and studying I have been lacking. The Ya Ya's meet again tomorrow night for our 3:16 Lucado bible study so I am looking forward to that.


Leslie said...

I LOVE Christmas music. In fact, I start missing it around June and sometimes put in a Christmas CD just to get my fix. I have a blog entry I want you to read. Maybe it'll change your mind about Christmas music.

Christy said...

Ok.... you got me. That was a good post!