Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Body of Christ

My Mom gave a talk this weekend on the Body of Christ. It was amazing, she did an awesome job. I heard something that I found interesting. Charles Baxter was praying for Mom and he said that the arm of Christ isn't Baptist, the legs aren't Methodist, the hands aren't Pentecost, but we are all one in Christ Jesus.

Aren't you glad of that? We can all go to different churches of denominations but we all serve the same God. That is what it boils down to, it doesn't matter where we go but that we all can come together in unity in the Body of Christ. I think too many times we get caught up in what this church does or what that church does and we do not look at it in the right way. We are all here for the same reason. We were made to worship God. How far we have gone from that principle.

Think about that this week, come together in unity with the body of believers. Let's face it, we need each other!

1 comment:

Leslie said...


I REALLY enjoyed spending time with the Body of Christ last night. Thanks for being there!