Monday, June 29, 2009

Finding God in jail

This may seem like a strange post but bear with me here....

My parents adopted 3 little babies when I was 11 and Andrea 13. Mind you, 2 of them they had in foster care for many years before the adoption took place. Andrea and I were never once jealous of the kids. I went from being the baby to being a middle child at 11. We loved them so much that it never crossed our minds to be even the slightest bit jealous of them.

They have been through struggles, probably more then most people would have to endure in a lifetime. It is too personal to go into on here but I think God placed 2 of them with my parents for a reason. Now, it's not been an easy thing for them over the years to raise us all but they did the best they could.

My little brother Daniel is probably one of the biggest hearted people I know. However, it has also been his downfall. While I know he has made his own choices, he has also been taken advantage of as well. The short of it is he has been in trouble with the law several times. He is now in jail for quite a long time. He renounced God a while back saying that he can't believe God would allow so many things to happen that he has seen and been through. Now I know there is such a thing as free will but we won't go into that here.

What I do know if that jail can do different things to people, and up until this time Daniel would describe it as a "family reunion" of sorts. See he just didn't get it but maybe something has changed. However too often I have seem people get "religion" in jail to come out and abandon it all. Mom & Dad went to visit Daniel last week. He told them he has been going to church and reading the Bible (which is a first) so we will see.

I will hold on to the Hope that someone has influenced him and it will be lasting.