Thursday, July 29, 2010

Red Lights

Do you realize when God is giving you red lights?

Often times red lights are put in our paths but we either choose to ignore them & blow on through or we just don't recognize them as red lights. There is a story in Numbers that is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. It is is chapter 22 starting with verse 21. I'm going to paraphrase here so it may not be exact!! There's this guy named Balaam that was called by Balak basically to put a curse on Israel so that God would turn againts his people. (Like God wouldn't see through this) but we do this, don't we?!?! Anyway, Balaam sets out on his donkey to perform this task but God wasn't happy at all with it & placed an angel in the road, when the donkey saw it he turned off & went into a field. Balaam beat her to get her back on the road, again an angel of the Lord stood in the path, the donkey saw this & moved so close to a wall that it crushed Balaam's foot, so yep, another beating. Yet again the angel went to the most narrow part they were traveling through where there was no room to turn so the donkey laid down. Balaam was so mad that he beat her with his staff. Here's the good part..

Wait for it...

The donkey spoke, yes you read that right. God opened her mouth & she asked Balaam what she had done for him to be beating her. This went on for a bit until the Lord opened Balaam's eyes & he saw the angel standing in the way.

Balaam realized he had sinned & said he didn't know God was standing in his way to stop him.

God will try to stop us from pursuing paths that will lead to destruction or harm us. He won't force us to stop but he will try to get us to stop & think about it then he will either put more hurt to get us to top or he will let us carry on & suffer the consequences.

Do you need a donkey to speak to you right now in your life???

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