Sunday, December 6, 2009


This time of the year both is very joyous for me and drives me nuts!!!

Everyone is SO busy trying to get things ready for Christmas and so worried about what people are calling it that they forget the meaning of Christmas! No, I do not like that they are calling it "Happy Holidays" or a "Holiday Tree" but I also think that we as Christians are supposed to be witnesses buy our actions. While, it is a sad thing we do not have to get in such an uproar over it. We need to just carry on with CHRISTmas as we know it.

The birth of Jesus, our Savior.

I was so overwhelmed when my kids told me they wanted to take a part of their Christmas money and support a child through World Vision, and not to just start the support but to pay for a year upfront. That is 360.00, which is most of their Christmas to be honest. We have support a child through World Vision before. We will sit down as a family and pick a child to support from Africa, because most of you that know me know that I have a heart for Africa.

I hope you all stop and take the time to read the CHRISTmas story this year as a family and spend some time thanking God for His ultimate sacrifice!!

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