Monday, October 5, 2009

Stealing my joy...

Ever notice how just when you think that the certain "something" hasn't happened lately, as soon as you verbalize it, then it happens to show up?!?!

I hope I haven't lost you just yet, but there is a certain "thing" in my life that is probably my most trying thing I have to deal with and quite honestly I haven't dealt with it good in the past. Usually it is far and few between (which I happen to like it that way). It threatens me.... or so I think.

The ole scum dog really knows when to sock it to ya....BUT this time I have vowed not to let it steal my joy. Now dear friends, to be quite honest this all sounds good and looks good written down BUT it will try me to my very last fiber! No matter how hurt it makes me, or breaks my heart I am going to let it ride and see what happens.

I realize you are all scratching your heads thinking what in the world is she talking about now... just trust me on this one and if you get a second and want to pray for my sanity in this situation... I know God will know just what you are talking about.

Love you all!!


Andrea said...

It's all gonna be ok and good will win over evil. Kick the ole scum dog to the curb.

Andrea said...

And the so called "threat" you speak of is no threat at all!!!