Friday, October 16, 2009

God in the beauty shop....

Yesterday I had a hair appointment, I really enjoy going where I go because the girls are a hoot and we always have a good time. Well yesterday as I was getting my hair "touched up" I felt God nudging me to talk with them about Him. Well I was a little hesitant because I do not know exactly where they are in their walk. I prayed that if this was of Him that he give me an opening....

Well God never lets us down!

Another customer asked my hairdresser how life was treating her and her reply was "wonderful except I wish I was a better Christian". I thought aha BUT I still waited... man I can be so dense at times! A little while later she looked at me and said "I can't quit cussing, I try but I still do it". I said well it sounds like you are aware of it and are trying. We talked a while about that and then she said "Have you heard of Crazy Love"...

I was like YES!! I said as a matter of fact I have, we are doing it in my women's group as well as Sunday school. I said "This book is changing my life... for a while now I have prayed that God would soften me, make me LOVE more and see people through His eyes". As I thought about it I thought after all He has done for me how can I NOT share Him with others. She went on to say that I always have good things on my facebook and she enjoys them. I went on to tell them there are NO perfect Christians but we serve the one perfect God and there is nothing we can do that merits His love, mercy and grace. We talked for a while and I left feeling good about the day.

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