Thursday, March 11, 2010


In the game of basketball you have a coach, players, referees, fans etc... The coach's job is to lead the team, instruct them on the plays. Offense, is to score the points to get the lead, defense if to make sure the other team doesn't score. They get 5 timeouts a game. 3 full timeouts, or a minute, & 2 30 second ones. The purpose of the timeouts is to regroup the team & make a plan to execute in order to succeed.

Basketball is a lot like life. It's fast paced, stressful at times, rewarding at times & a lot of work to get right. As in the game of basketball, life also has those same characteristics. Although I don't think we value the "timeouts" near like we should.

How often do you stop & have a "timeout" with God? How often do you let God be your "coach" & guide your lives daily??

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