Monday, October 21, 2013

Stay out of my dirt

I was sweeping the floors today and I had to continually tell A, who is two and a half to stay out of my dirt. She was persistent though and kept getting in it. She was trying to "help". I finally gave in and gave her the dustpan and little broom and let her help.

I was reminded that often times we want to wallow in our own dirt and don't want anyone to get in it with us. We try to hide it or minimize it. We think we have it all under control. But, we weren't called to walk through life alone. God is our ever present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46). He also sent Holy Spirit to be our guide. We also have a valuable resource in community. It's important that we have a support system in place, people that can say the hard things to us without it bothering us. We are made to be relational. That can be hard because people will always let us down but it's better then walking through life alone.

We are given opportunities each day to be Jesus hand and feet. There are hurting people all around us. All we have to do is step in faith and reach out to someone that crosses our path. I encourage you to reach out to someone today.

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