Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is it really happening?

Welp, we are almost down to single digits for my Africa trip. I remember blogging, what seems like forever ago, my desire to go to Africa one day. Who know that would be in 10 days!

I am honestly not all jumping up and down with excitement because I don;t think it has really sunk in yet. I have done a lot of preparing but it is a little surreal. and to be honest I am trying not to make this trip my whole life, well because if it was then coming back would be a little disappointing.

I know that I am not perpared mentally for what I might see but I am thankful I get to experience it with 14 other amazing people. Two of them being my daughter and my sister.

I am going to post a video to my blog for you tp check out where and what we will be doing. I thank you in advance for your prayers.

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