Wednesday, April 7, 2010

God's will for your life

I'm pretty sure God's will for my life doesn't involve snakes. That much I know!! I have had a fear for snakes & when I say fear, I mean an obessiveness about it. I had nightmares since childhood about them & they were always terrifying dreams where I would wake up screaming & standing on top of my bed. Poor Ed!! Anyway, about 6 months ago I killed the snake in my dream & I haven't had a nightmare since.

I related this to satan. In my dreams the snake represented satan & just until recently I have finally gotten it as far as God. Have I perfected "it"... Nope & I hope I would never say that I have cause that would mean I have stopped growing.

God's will for our lives is divine. An appointment by Him to further His kingdom. Are you striving to find out what that will is on your life? I'm thankful God can use me right where I am. I just pray I continue to seek ways in which to be used by him... Right where I am!!

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